Group by Available Corrections

Found entries may by grouped by Available Corrections. Every entry has several corrections available that depend on it's error type and possible found replacements.

See a Screenshot.

There are the following groups:

Replacement found

Entries that have one or more replacements found for their invalid part.

No replacement found

Entries that may have replacement corrections but no one were found on this computer.

Only Delete or Cut

Entries not applicable for any replacement correction and that can apply only common solutions like Delete or Cut.

No changes possible

No correction can be applied to these entries due to restricted permissions or other reasons.

When list of available corrections for the entry are changed during the scan process, then entry may automatically change position in the group of "Available corrections".

Note that the entry does not instantly disappear from the group opened at the current view, instead there an asterisk * mark appears near the group name and user have to refresh the view by pressing F5 key.